Sunday, September 18, 2011

How to make a guy fall in with you in one night?

I m going to prom with friend which i like. He has a girlfriend through. I m going to prom with him, and i want him to fall in love with me in one night. How can you make a guy fall for you and question the relanship that he is in?|||You can't make someone fall in love with you in one night. If you're out to ruin his relationship with his current girlfriend and he finds out about it, you can give up on having him as any type of friend. Don't try to manipulate him and cause him to break up with someone he cares about. Actually, you should just try to find another date to the prom.|||Be free spiritted. hard to explain. Not annoying for sure. Don't cater him all the time. Dancing, if you can make him dance with you in a fast song, just you and him without him being embarass about dancing, you are in the right track. Last resort, it wont make him fall in love with you but he'll question his relationship. Wink wink you know.... Dont get carried away though it is only high school, there are better people out there|||You can't make someone fall in love with you and love certainly doesn't develop in one night. You also mention making him question his relationship? That's cruel girl, he is in a relationship because he likes her, not you, so deal with it.|||Well you could cry on the doorstep and then your fairy godmother would turn up and help you.

Or you could not try and break him up and be a nice person!|||Flirt shamelessly.|||It doesn't happen. And, what you are planning is called cheating. I offer no advice on that.|||Just be yourself and don't force it. It has to be natural.

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