Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why is a relationship better then one night stands?

One night stands + points:

sex with more girls.

no ''having to meet up with them again''

possibly more fun

you get more experience

you dont get hurt by love

(i know people will mention STD's here, but im not looking for that response, i want to know why you might think a relationship is better)

thanks.|||This is the question of the year I might say... there is a constant battle between the one niter vs the relationship... I look at it this way...yes a one nite stand can be fun etc...however I equate it to drive thru vs a 5 star restaurant...when it comes down to it which is really more satisfying? Ok so I like the drive thru, its convenient, I don't have to get out of my car etc... however...how healthy is it? If I am at a drive thru its usally because I am rushing and don't have time to enjoy what I need..and I am usally still hungry later because I haven't had what my body needs. A five star restaurant nutures not just my body, but my mind, my soul and my spirit. I am respected, I take my time and truly enjoy and cherish what I am given, I savor what I have...I feel satisfied and content because I have given myself the best...

Humans need not just sex to thrive, they need emotional bonds, intimacy, there is tons of research on what happens to babies when they don't get this...they become very emotionally ill...I think we have opted for drive thrus and are missing out of the fine dining experience of a great relationship..it what makes people not care about who they hurt, what they do and has put our financial world in the crisis we are in...without relationships we would be just like savages getting what we needed and not caring enough about others ...opps ok I am giving a speech...but its truly how I feel..|||someone to share incredible experiences, have "inside jokes", intimate and private communication, establish and build trust, explore new interests together and develop a passion (dancing, pottery, cooking, studying another culture, watching documentaries, etc.) you might not have discovered on your own. There are other benefits you will not discover until you embrace being in a relationship.|||i never knew the difference til i had both one nights stands are awesome and that was all i knew for a while then when i got with my man it was so much more passionate and i got a lot more out of it because of that passion|||Stability, comfortability, having a companion. Don't get me wrong... one night stands are fun and have their place in life but there's something about knowing that the person you love is right there for you.

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