Friday, September 23, 2011

Can two people fall in love after a one night stand? Or is it impossible?

Hell yeah, I'm 37 married once for only 18 months. I have dated several women and had several safe sex one night stands. After going to a club and meeting the love of my life. It was suppose to be a one night stand. I have now been with this woman for now almost 2 years.

I have never had so much fun spending all my free time with this one person. I say, "yes again it could happen!!!"|||Yes- it can happen. Don't count on it though- I know of only two cases of it happening to friends.|||anything's possible|||I think real love is something that is built, not something that just happens when you spend the night with a person. You can feel good about that person, and intimacy can create feelings like love, but I don't think its real love.|||Nothing is impossible, try asking him out on a date. But make sure he wants to and is not just going along with it because you had sex with him. Don't make him feel that he has to go.|||its called love at first sight....... its rare but it can there a prince out there for me lol|||I guess it could happen, but its not too lucky. The best relationships are taken slowly so that when sex does happen, it is special and meaningful.|||yeah its very possible. but its also possible that its infatuation|||possible :)

good luck|||YES! I thought my boyfriend and I were just going to be a one night stand. He ask for my number I was like ok whatever. He called me the next day. We have been together ever since that was 6 months ago. How ever we did have mutual friends but never met till that night. I knew his dogs but not him. Funny how life is. The more I get to know him the more I love him. I'm 25 he is 29.

When we started dating I would not have sex with him again till I felt this could be right. I wish we had waited before we had sex. I am not complaining it all worked out. We are still happy.|||nothing is impossible

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